The Bible and the Zodiac



Welcome to all who made their way to my blog

Bible and the zodiac you may be asking?……isn’t that an oxymoron?…..doesn’t the bible condemn astrology?

If you asked me that 10 years ago I would have agreed

However I am going to make a claim that will disturb and upset people…….if so I understand……I know it did disturb me at first

it is difficult to look hard and truthfully at dearly cherished and long held beliefs

so please know I mean no harm

it concerns the zodiac and astrology

here goes:-

Astrology and the zodiac is throughout the bible….hidden in plain view for those who have eyes to see it

…and it means much more than horoscopes,your stars in the newspaper,telling fortunes and animals in a circle

It isn’t woo or gobbledygook… is an ancient science…and it’s amazing once you “get” it… I hope to show

First……….how did I get…

View original post 794 more words

Its Written in the Stars!

Is it possible that the constellations of the stars be behind the stories in the scriptures…and all the myths?

Hopefully this blog will show that there might be a connection!

For example,there is a story in the bible where God sends two bears to kill 42 children for mocking his prophet.

But why did the “children” shout “Go up you baldhead” at him?

The account is told at 2nd Kings chapter two verses 23,24.

“From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking up the path, some small boys came out of the city and harassed him, chanting, “Go up, baldy! Go up, baldy!”

He turned around, looked at them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and mauled 42 of the children.”


It is a question people still argue about till this day,as to why a loving God would do this to children.

However,might there be another explanation as to what’s going on in this passage of scripture?

Have you ever considered this,are there two bears in the sky?

Yes……..Ursa major and Ursa minor!

The great bear and the little bear.


In the book of his name,Job is told that god made the “bear” in the sky.

Job 9:9.

New International Version
He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.

Job 38:32.

New International Version
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?

Is it possible it all might be allegory or metaphor?Could it be a story symbolizing ideas and concepts,rather than a real account?

Another interesting thing to ask is why the children called Elisha “bald head” or “baldy.”

I would suggest it’s the same reason Samson lost his strength when he had his 7 locks of hair cut.

(Another question,why did Samson only have 7 locks of hair?See the magnificent 7 blog)

If you get your mind round the fact that Samson and Elisha are the sun.(Or more precisely,the sun in its decline) you will realize that the locks of “hair” are the suns rays (a lions mane is another symbol)or the suns strength.And when the rays/hair get “cut” the sun is losing its strength as it passes through the autumn and winter…this is why Samson gets weaker.

Is it just another coincidence that Samson means “man of the sun?”

So Elisha (the sun) is at the winter solstice (the sun at its weakest,the shortest day)Hence Elisha is “baldy,”all his rays (hair) have gone.

This is the sun at it’s weakest in it’s yearly cycle.

However,when the sun is at the winter solstice (tropic of Capricorn),there is only one way to go for the sun,and that is “up.”And it does start climbing up on Christmas day.

The sun has to climb back up to its throne at the summer solstice (tropic of cancer)Therefore the “children” shout “Go UP you baldhead!”

You can also see why the winters solstice is in the sign of Capricorn,symbolized by the goat,the goat is capable of climbing high mountains.Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign and the goat is a symbol of the earthy sign of Capricorn…and the winter solstice is the bottom of the “mountain.”

So the sun,as a goat (the sun sometimes takes the attributes of the sign it inhabits)therefore starts the climb up to his throne at the tropic of cancer.This will take 6 months from the winter solstice to the summer solstice.

The story of Sisyphus is another account of the Sun’s rising and falling during it’s yearly cycle.

Sisyphus is cursed to push a rock up to the top of the mountain,only to see it roll back down to the bottom again,and he was to repeat this action for eternity.

And isn’t it awfully coincidental yet again that “Sisyphus” means “wise” and “goat skin.” (Saturn/Satan is the goat and wise one)


The winter solstice (Capricorn) is also when Samson (or the sun personified),parted the two pillars.These would be the pillars of the old year at the winter solstice.Samson the sun brings down the old year upon himself,by parting the pillars of Gaza.Janus with the two faces is another representation.Janus looks at the old year and the new…the past and the future.


Now with all that said,see if you can see all of the winter solstice imagery concerning Samson,in the following verses from the book of Judges in the bible.

1 Now Samson went to Gaza and saw a harlot there, and went in to her. 2 When it was told to the Gazites, saying, “Samson has come here,” they surrounded the place and lay in wait for him all night at the gate of the city. And they kept silent all night, saying, “Let us wait until the morning light, then we will kill him.” 3 Now Samson lay until midnight, and at midnight he arose and took hold of the doors of the city gate and the two posts and pulled them up along with the bars; then he put them on his shoulders and carried them up to the top of the mountain which is opposite Hebron (Judges 16:1-3).

(Notice the imagery of Sisyphus being told in another form,this time by Samson carrying the gates and posts up to the top of the mountain,just as Sisyphus did with the rock)

And verse 30:-

30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.

Again we also have the symbol of the goat.

Where is the symbol of the goat in the verses above,you may be asking?

Notice Samson went to “Gaza.”

Gaza means “goat.”

Notice he gets up at midnight,well the midnight of the year is the winter solstice!

The winter solstice is also one of the reasons why Freemasons are called “widows sons.”


The “old” sun (father) dies at the winter solstice before it rises again as the “new” sun (child). The child is therefore the “Widow’s Son.”His old father dies just as the new sun is born.

In the yearly story of the sun represented by the character of Jesus,you can now discern when Jesus resurrects the widow’s son at Luke 7:11-15,again it is pictorial of the winter solstice.


Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son

11 “Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. 12 As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. 13 When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”

14 Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” 15 The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.

The newborn sun is the “golden child” born in the midst of his enemies,those enemies are darkness and cold at the winter solstice.

Herod/Herrut is the darkness/winter who tries to get rid of any new light/children that might threaten his rule.

Herod is also a personification of Satan/Saturn….Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn at the winter solstice.


Jesus is the newly born sun (nativity means birth),the babe in swaddling is here.The new year is in its infancy,the sun’s rays are still weak but will now get stronger each day,lthough surrounded by darkness.This will tell you that the new age (birth) of Aquarius will only be born at the darkest of times,and why Jesus returns at “midnight.”

He is the newly sparked fire that needs to gain hold.And he will,as he regains his strength at spring and deposes his enemies,just as Jesus did with Satans temptations and sets out on his journey to the heights/Jerusalem/tropic of cancer on his two donkeys (Asellus borealis and Asellus Australis).

Its the story of light and the dark.The suns movement between the two tropics passing over the equator twice each year…at the two equinoxes.(spring and autumn).

This allegory is used even till today!

Can you see this story in films such as the lion king?

The lion king is the sun,its mane being the rays of the sun.

Think of little Simba being surrounded by his enemies.

He is a widow’s son,he is helpless and weak in the beginning,just as the sun is!


It’s also the story of Star Wars,it is the story of the tussle between the light and the dark.For example what about the name Luke Skywalker?

Luke means “light.”

And what light “walks” across the sky (the skywalker)why the sun of course!

The sun is always the good guy,the hero who returns to banish the wicked,or the darkness.

Its the greatest story ever told!……It is nature and it strikes a chord in our psyche.

It features in children’s stories constantly.The dawn is the hero coming to kill the wolf/monster/satan/vampire…etc etc.

What about this verse in genesis 3:15?

God is talking to the serpent and says the following….

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”(Gen. 3:15)

You shall bruise him in the head

He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. – As Draco circles around the Pole, his head is either below or above Hercules’ heel. The top position represents who is doing the bruising.

He shall bruise you in the heel

What about this next verse….talking about Nimrod.

Genesis 10:9

New International Version
“He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; that is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD.”

Could the constellation of Orion be Nimrod and the bull of Taurus be the lord?

EL is the lord!

“El” also means “The Bull” …see the fourth paragraph down.


In the picture above can you see the red star Aldebaran?

Aldebaran is the “bulls eye.”

Aldebaran is the Bull’s fiery eye

What about Cetus(the sea monster)… called “The Whale.”

Cetus the sea monster

Jonah and the whale anyone?

Can he also be leviathan?

Leviathan also means “whale.”

People today laugh at unicorns being mentioned in the bible.

And on the other hand,people try to defend the indefensible.

However,is there a unicorn in the sky?….Yes!

Notice that the unicorn is in the constellation of Cancer,ruled by the moon.The moon is also represented by a unicorn.When you read about unicorns in the bible,think about the time of year the bible is picturing.

Another interesting constellation to consider.Could the constellation of Cassiopeia be the queen of Sheba?The vain queen who boasted about her unrivaled beauty?

Also known as the queen of the south who came to see Solomon?


She boasted of her beauty,but even she had to admit she didn’t know the half of Solomon’s wisdom and wealth.

When the old sun dies every year at the winter solstice it is the time of tragedy in the year.

Quite literally a tragedy!Tragedy means “he-goat-song.”It contains a theme that strikes our psyche.

The “he goat” being the sign of Capricorn where the “old” sun dies,and the “new” sun is born again every year.

Tragedies echo the autumn and winter months theme,.the dying/suffering aspect.

“Hero returns to save the day” stories are the sun in the sign of Aries as the sun returns in that sign to save the world from the cold /darkness/death/slavery……and ushers in the spring/summer months.The time of light in the earth!

Could the land of milk and honey spoken of in the bible actually be constellations and stars in the spring/summer months?

The Milky Way and Praesepe?

Could Praesepe also the reason why Samson found honey in the lions carcass when he was on his way to meet a maiden(Virgo)?

Praesepe resides in the constellations of Cancer and Leo,which are the height of summer when Samson (the sun) is strong.

Judges 14:8

“Some time later, when he went back to marry her, he turned aside to look at the lion’s carcass, and in it he saw a swarm of bees and some honey.”

You might now start to understand that when the bible says “Saul kills his thousands and David his tens of thousands.” It could be talking about the arrival of the sun which scatters/kills the stars,as daylight arrives.

1st Samuel 18:7

As they danced, they sang: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.”

And if it is telling us about the stars,it’s also telling us truths about ourselves!


Learn what the hermetecists meant when they said those words above.

It means the same thing as “On earth as in heaven.”

George Washington State - Greenough
George Washington statue (as above so below). George Washington was a freemason.
Even Lady Gaga is getting in on the act : )

The above tarot card is telling us the same thing.In future blogs we will see how tarot/astrology/hermetics/kabbalah/religions and the holy books are all saying the same thing,from different angles/viewpoints/perspectives.

We do see through a glass darkly!


12 “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

What if all of the stories in the bible are about the stars,nature….and ourselves!…….we’ve just been reading it wrong?

And that’s why its the greatest story ever told!

…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato

Mibbies aye?……mibbies naw?

Anyway……thanks for reading!

Three Cycles…The Day,Year and The Great Year.


Wheels within wheels in a spiral array
A pattern so grand and complex”

Rush (Natural Science).

Ezekiel 1:16

“The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

Hi folks…this blog is a long one!

The purpose of this blog is to hopefully show why the three cycles of the day,year and great year affect us all.

Most people are unaware that there is a “Great year.”

And also it will show how the “Great Year” and the zodiac are right there in the bible….just under the surface.

It will also explain how there seems to be a contradiction in the way God acts….i.e in the old testament he is a cruel,angry,warmongering god…wiping out rival nations and sparing no one.

Yet when Jesus comes along he tells us his father is a beneficent god…caring for the individual and telling us to love our enemies….why?

Its to do with the zodiac and the planets!

In this case the difference between the planet Mars (ruler of Aries/God of War)…and the planet Jupiter (ruler of Pisces/Jovial beneficent God) as we go round the big clock/zodiac of precession.

To understand what I’m getting at,please try to familiarize yourself with the qualities of each of the 7 planets of the ancients(see my blog called “the magnificent 7” for some info)

Please click on all the links…..they will fill in the gaps and hopefully confirm what I’m saying.

So folks….here goes!

The day,the year….and the great year.

Three cycles or “wheels of time.”

Although we are familiar with the first two,most folks are unaware of the great year.

This blog is about the bible and the great year,and of course…the zodiac!

“This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel.”


“And if you look for it as for silver

and search for it as for hidden treasure,

then you will understand the fear of the Lord

and find the knowledge of God.”


In the first chapter of his book,Ezekiel describes a vision where he sees four living creatures and “wheels within wheels.”

The 4 “creatures” are a bull,lion,man and eagle.

All occult orders understand that the 4 creatures are symbols and among other things can represent the 4 elements.

Churchgoers who take the bible literally,do not on the whole.

The bull,man,lion and eagle can respectively symbolize…earth,air,fire and water.

These are occult hidden teachings…… no way mainstream….known to all the secret orders…and completely alien to your average person in the street.

here’s the result of a search for the Free Masonic order and their understanding of the symbols.

The Rosicrucians.

And also the Hermeticists.

Only now are we (the profane) glimpsing these formerly hidden things.

We understand that “hermetically sealed” means airtight…..the word “hermetically” pertains to hermeticists and Hermes,the Mercury of the Greeks.

These teachings have been kept “airtight” to all except those who are truly looking for truths.

And these once hidden teachings,are now being made available to all.

For more on the living creatures and their meanings,please see my other post below.

This time though,I would like to focus on the “wheels within wheels.”

Here are some examples of wheels,or cycles.

The three “wheels” or “cycles” are 1/the day,2/the year and 3/the great year.

The day has 24 hours.

The year contains 12 months.

And the great year lasts almost 26,000 years.

If we look at the first cycle,the 24 hour day as a zodiac wheel ….then dawn would be likened to the sign of Aries in the daily cycle.

Why?,well because the dawn or sunrise of the year starts in Aries.Its called the vernal or spring equinox,and it happens every year in the sign of Aries around March 21st.

Each day is like a miniature year.

In the day for example,take dawn as starting at 6am,in the 24 hour day,each 2 hours would equal one sign of the zodiac.

6-8am would be Aries,8-10am Taurus,10-12 Gemini…this is the spring of the day. (Morning is the equivalent of Spring in the day)

12-2pm Cancer,2-4pm Leo,4-6pm Virgo.(Afternoon is the Summer of the day)

6-8pm Libra,8-10pm Scorpio,10-12pm Sagittarius (Evening is the Autumn of the day)

12-2am Capricorn,2-4am Aquarius,4-6am Pisces are the (Winter “dark times” of the daily cycle)

They are like a miniature 4 seasons in one day.

6am (dawn) would be equivalent to the spring equinox of the day,when light overtakes the darkness and brings life back to the earth.

12 midday would be the summer solstice of the day,the highest point the sun reaches in the sky.

6 pm would be the autumnal equinox,when darkness again returns and “overthrows” the light.

12 midnight would be the winter solstice of the day,the darkest hour of both the day and year.

And this is the wheel or cycle of the day.

Each two hours or “zodiac sign” of the day has a different “feel” to it.

For instance,10-12 in the morning (Gemini) has a different atmosphere or “feel” to it than 2-4 (Leo) in the afternoon.

And so in every year,each sign of the zodiac has an atmosphere of its own,with unique attributes.The sign of Gemini (May/June) is late spring,Leo (July/August) is mid-summer,and again they each have a different ambience to them,caused by the angles of the sun.

The 12 month yearly cycle breaks down into the 4 seasons.

Aries/Taurus/Gemini are the signs of the spring months.

Cancer/Leo/Virgo are the signs of the summer months.

Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius are the zodiac signs of the autumn months.

And finally,Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces are the signs of the winter months.

The twelve signs of the zodiac are:-

Aries the lamb,Taurus the bull,Gemini the twins,Cancer the crab,Leo the Lion,Virgo the virgin,Libra the scales,Scorpio the scorpion,Sagittarius the centaur,Capricorn the goat,Aquarius the water carrier,and Pisces the two fish.

Let’s focus on one of the signs and see its relationship to the scriptures.

For this example we will pick the the sign of Cancer,the highest point the sun will climb to in the northern hemisphere,hence the “Tropic of cancer.”

Cancer the crab…also it was symbolized by the unicorn and also the dung beetle/scarab in Egypt.

The sign of cancer is the very height of the suns transit through the year.It’s acme,its zenith…its highest point.

Notice where it says “Summer solstice” at the top of the upper part of the sine wave (June 21st) and you can see it is the beginning of the sign of Cancer.Jerusalem (summer solstice) is the heights..Heaven! The opposite (winter solstice in Capricorn around December 21st) would be Gehenna…the depths….Hell!

The sign of Cancer is also allegorized as Jerusalem,the heights,the most high,the zenith,the top of the mountain…Heaven!

Here’s an interesting verse in the bible that bible folks still argue about to this day.

Why did Jesus require two donkeys for his glorious ride into Jerusalem?

The verse in question is matthew 21:2.

The King James version of the bible names this passage of scripture the “Triumphal entry.”

And it is a triumphal entry…why?

Because Jesus/The Sun is about to ride into Jerusalem/summer solstice/sign of cancer as king.

Jesus/The Sun will reign as the “most high” as it reaches the highest point of its yearly journey.

And the people shout this in Matthew chapter 2 verse 9.

“Hosanna to the Son of David!”

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”[c]

“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

And the people still welcome the Sun/King/Jesus at the Summer Solstice to this day,just as they did back then.

People giving reverence to the King at Stonehenge at dawn.

Do you get it?

The sun is almost above your head on this day…it is at its highest point of the year.

Its all about the sun,the zodiac and the constellations.

“Jerusalem” symbolically is the sign of cancer…the summer solstice…the tropic of cancer is the heights of the year.

The sun is reigning as the most high over mankind in its glory.It is the longest day and the light/sun Jesus is on his throne.

So getting back to the question…why did Jesus tell his followers to get two asses to ride into Jerusalem?

Look at the constellation of Cancer,and what are the chances of this?

The constellation of Cancer has two donkeys or asses.

Asellus Borealis (The northern donkey)

Asellus Australis (The southern donkey)












So when the sun is in the sign of Cancer (the crab) at the summer solstice,there are two donkeys with him,just as the bible says.And he’s at his height of power at the tropic of Cancer (Jerusalem)

However,what goes up must also come down,and the sun will be decreasing after this point and the days will get progressively shorter once more.

So why was the sign of Cancer symbolized by either a scarab or a crab?

The scarab beetle with the sun.

The thing about the dung beetle/scarab is it pushes a ball of dung backwards.

The scarab pushes the golden ball backwards,just as the sun at the summer solstice starts to move back wards down to the tropic of Capricorn.

And the crab has its sideways walk,looks like it is retreating.Another interesting fact about the crab is that it also sheds its shell.

And this pictures the sun in Cancer,retreating right after being at its zenith,the sun starts “walking” sideways/backwards in its yearly journey round the zodiac wheel.

And so it was for Jesus also.It was all downhill from there on for him after he rode into Jerusalem in triumph.

Riding into Jerusalem was his zenith,the people waved palm branches and hailed him as king.

Notice the sun at Jesus’s head.

However,after this,Jesus is about to get betrayed/judged and finally killed.

It’s the story of the sun!

So that was the day and year,but now we get to the great year,also called the precession of the equinoxes,or Platonic year.

Also axial precession,and this “precession” is due to the wobble of the earth,like a spinning top seemingly turns opposite to its spin as it wobbles.

notice in the picture below…the two different directions of the earths spin


In the above wiki page notice the sun moves 1 degree every 72 years.

We will touch on that in a future blog.

The bible is telling us about the movement through the great year in pictorial poetry.

The massive cycle of nearly 26000 years.

And it starts in the sign of Taurus on the big year in the bible….as we are moving backwards through the zodiac,reaching a different sign of the zodiac roughly every 2000 years.

This is why it is called precession and not procession.

Hence we go from sign to sign like this.Taurus/Aries/Pisces and Aquarius.

And each one of the twelve,2000 year periods are called “ages”

As we move from one sign to the other there is a guide to usher people through the birth of the new age….these are the messiahs.

Other groups call the Messiah by a different name,but they are all the same.

Buddhists call him Maitreya,Hindus call him Krishna,Christians call him Christ,and Muslims call him Imam Mahdi or “the twelfth Imam.” (twelve due to the twelve signs of the zodiac)

If you read the articles in the wiki pages below,please notice all the numbers are linked with all the other religions. (because they are all linked by the zodiac)

The new age is a whole new way of doing things,a whole new consciousness/atmosphere/collective psyche. It’s a new system of things!

For instance,when mankind was moving from the sign of Taurus to the birth of the new age in the sign of Aries in the big precessional clock……the “messiah” or guide back then was Moses.

The age of Taurus was the time of bull/cow/calf worship (we still see remnants of cow worship in India to this day).

So at the cusp of Taurus/Aries we have the scenario of Moses heading up Mount Sinai to get the commandments from God.These commandments or laws are the new rules for the new age that has arrived.


However while Moses is up the mountain,the people down below make a golden calf.

The Golden Calf is representing the age of Taurus.

The people also have an orgy (sahaq) See section 3(d) in the page below.


The sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus.

Venus rules the sign of Taurus,and some of the attributes of Venus are love,beauty.But also desire,sex and orgies..Hence the word “venereal” in venereal disease comes from Venus.Another name for Venus is”Aphrodite,”and it is from Aphrodite that we get “Aphrodisiac,”again connected with desire and sex.

And you also get song lyrics like this.

“Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame(of course she will have a silver flame,silver is a feminine colour)
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name

She’s got it
Yeah, baby, she’s got it
I’m your Venus, I’m your fire
your desire

But those golden calf  worshippers of the age of Taurus haven’t discerned that the precessional clock has moved from Taurus to Aries.(They are still clinging to the old ways).

When Moses comes down from the mountain,he has the “culprits” all killed.

Because the sign of Taurus is over.

Please note well the above scenario,because at the start of every age,there is a culling off of all those who cling to the old ways and old Gods (ways of thinking)….still clinging to the old patterns of life.

Moses is leading the people from the old age of Taurus into the new sign of Aries.(The lamb/sheep/ram)All new symbols and images.

Could this be why Moses is pictured with horns on his head….lambs horns?



Here are some other indications that they were heading into the sign of Aries.

Every zodiac sign has a motto.


The motto for Aries is “I AM.”

When Moses asks God who shall he say sent him?….what does god answer?

Tell them “I AM” sent you.

We learned the planet Venus rules the sign of Taurus,but what planet rules the sign of Aries?


Mars is the god of war,and this is why now their god is the “Lord of hosts,”or “Jehovah of armies.”

They are constantly at war with their neighbours,from the influence of Mars.

Even today we get the word”martial” from Mars,and also the word “march.” Mars  rules Aries (Ares is the Greek word for the god Mars).

This is also why in the scriptures Paul preaches at Mars Hill,also called the Areopagus.

Soldiers also “march” off to war.

It is important to know what planet rules what sign,because it will answer why God seems to change all the time.

From a warring tyrant in the Old testament to the caring,beneficent,loving father of the New Testament.

More on that in a bit,but for now,back to the Aries symbolism.

The Jews were known in the old testament to be shepherds…or linked with ram/lamb/sheep symbolism (think King David who was a shepherd),they also blew the rams horns when they brought down the walls of Jericho.All of this is Aries symbolism.

Another interesting thing of note about Aries is that it is also a fire sign.

And didn’t Moses talk to the burning bush?

Now that was the Age of Aries the lamb,now on to the next age in the precessional clock and we arrive at Pisces. (the two fish)

So after Moses and his age is over with,the next messiah will be the guide taking people from Aries to the sign of Pisces,so step up Jesus,the Piscean Messiah!

This is also why Jesus was called the lamb of god also,he was heralding the end of the age of Aries,just as the golden calf heralded the end of the age of Taurus.

The sign of Pisces is two fish,the motto is “I believe”(see chart above) and the ruling planet is Jupiter/Jove or Zeus.

We get the word “jovial” from Jove or Jupiter.

So we should expect some fishy type symbolism from the life of Jesus…and some Jupiterian stuff also.

In astrology Jupiter is the greater benefic,as opposed to Mars who is the lesser malefic.

And right on cue with the fish symbolism,his disciples were to be “fishers of men” and some were fishermen by trade.

In fact when Jesus starts gathering his disciples,they are out fishing in their boats.


Jesus fed the masses with “two fish,”the sign of Pisces is two fish.


He also gets a coin from a fish’s mouth.

Incidentally,it was a four drachma coin.’s_mouth

Early Christians identified each other by the symbol of the fish.

In fact Christians to this day have fish symbols on the back of their cars.

Fish symbolism is connected to the sign of Pisces.

“I believe” is the motto of Pisces…and Jesus ministry was all about finding “believers.” The people all believed in Jesus.

Doubting Thomas after touching the wound of Jesus “believed,” did he not?

Jesus says in the scriptures,”whoever believes in me will get eternal life.”

It’s all about belief (I believe),which is the motto of Pisces.

As touched on above,Jupiter (the ruler of Pisces) is the benevolent planet,unlike mars the war planet (mars rules Aries).

This is now why.God is benevolent,Jesus preaches a loving god/caring god,in opposition to the warlike God of the Old testament.

Again,all because in the great year,the clock has moved from the age of Aries,(ruled by mars)to the new age of Pisces ruled by Jupiter.All due to axial precession,and how each age has a different effect on the planet and our psyches/consciousness.

Jupiter of the Romans is also called Zeus in Greek.

This is why the new religion of Christianity is built on Peter… The Jew-Peter (Jupiter)

Jezeus and Jewpeter,just a coincidence?wordplay?

In bodily astrology the sign of Pisces rules the feet.(see the fish at the feet?)


Now wasn’t Jesus connected with feet?He was walking everywhere.

Didn’t Jesus get his feet washed by the sinful woman,and didn’t he also wash his disciples feet?


Didn’t he also get a nail in the feet?


The article of clothing still associated today with Jesus would be “Jesus sandals.”

And we still have this this famous picture today associated with Jesus.

Walk With Me.jpg.opt550x400o0,0s550x400

Aren’t Christians “footstep followers” of Jesus?

Some contend the statue of peter at the Vatican may be an old statue of Zeus/Jupiter.

Even if it isn’t.,the statues feet are almost worn away from all the rubbing and kissing.


So Pisces is connected with fish,feet,Jupiter,benevolence,and the motto “I believe.”

But one time the age of Pisces will be at it’s end,and then will have to make way for the next “new age” and that new age is the age of Aquarius.

And what do we have swirling in the ether?Songs such as this one below.

And,according to some,we are now at the cusp of the next “new age.”

Jesus the old Piscean guide said he would be with us all the days until the end of the “age” did he not?He promised he would be with us till the end of the age of Pisces.

We have a “new age” movement today do we not?,we have great unrest everywhere.The birth of the new age is upon us,and like any birth,it will get bloody and stressful until the new child/new age arrives.

The new age of Aquarius is the “son of man” who will arrive,Aquarius is the only man of the zodiac (all the rest are animals,twin boys,centaurs etc)Aquarius is the man with the water pitcher.

And right on cue,Jesus tells us this in luke 22:10

“As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters”

Notice the man with the pitcher of water? (Aquarius symbolism)

Notice we also have to follow him into the “house” (houses are connected with astrology and the zodiac)This would be the Aquarian “house” of the zodiac.

A whole new way of thinking/rules/teachings/ways will enter into our psyches/mass consciousness….it’s a renaissance of sorts.

The old institutions are now starting to go stale,can you see it?….feel it?

This is why the bible says there has to be a great apostasy (falling away),before the next system/age arrives.People can see through the lies of their religions and are turning away.This new age of information is crumbling all the old paradigms/models/patterns of living all around us.

The old ways will be eradicated,the old wineskins/institutions cannot contain the new wine.


“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

It’s an out with the old and in with the new!

Yet people will try to cling to the old ways,even to the death,just as they did in the story of the golden calf in Moses day.

In Jesus time,there was a great culling also,Jerusalem was surrounded by the Romans and those who didn’t heed the warning of Jesus perished.What warning?

Luke 21:20

“And when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will know that the time of its destruction has arrived.Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.”

And the historian Josephus said over 1 million people died.

So there was a culling when the age of Taurus gave way to the age of Aries,and a culling when the age of Aries gave way to the age of Pisces.

And moving into the next age will be no different.

Have a wee look at the motto for Aquarius above,the motto for the age that is coming.

Ponder on that motto and you will comprehend why the bible says there will be a great apostasy from religion,which is all but belief and superstition.

The book of revelation also shows Aquarian symbols throughout for those who can see it.

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn (and Uranus,more in a later blog)

Such as this.

Revelation 22:1

“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb”water being poured is an Aquarian motif.

And also this.

Revelation 14:15

“Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

Saturn who rules Aquarius is the God who is associated with the sickle and scythe,with which he reaps the harvest of the earth.

Notice all the symbolism of Saturn from this medieval painting,Aquarius bottom left,Capricorn bottom right,the six pointed star of Saturn,and holding the sickle….the harvest Saturn is connected with is the harvest of humans as spoken of in Revelation.

In the above  verses…can you see Aquarius and also Saturn featured?Can you see the grim reaper there?(old father time) Saturn is connected with the harvest.

In the book of revelation 14:3,the “new song” is the whole new way of living/thinking/doing.

Its a renaissance,a new tuning.

Jesus and Moses were not real historical people,they were representations/composites of those who were awake and conscious of what was happening around them.They were the light,the consciousness,they were those who came back to life,those who rose from the dead…they were the dry bones come to life!

Its an awakening…a new realization…a paradigm shift.

I remember finding out the truth about Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Allowing myself to question dearly held beliefs,that we were told never to question.

It was a massive awakening for me,very frightening also,it was as if I awoke from a hypnotic spell.The scales fell from my eyes.And I could see through all of the deceptions and lies.

I never felt so alone as I had next to no one to talk to about it though,and yet I felt empowered by knowing the truth about “the truth,”as Jehovah’s witnesses like to call themselves.

Every ex-Jehovah’s Witness talks about having an awakening/a dawning that it wasn’t the truth…and for every one it is an incredible journey.

its an a-haaa!I get it! moment.”I see the real truth behind the veil” type of understanding.

Seeing the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz.


Jesus said he would bring division did he not?

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law–a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

Jehovah’s witnesses can no longer talk to anyone who speaks out against the organization,they must be totally shunned.

Watchtower 2012 isolate family and friends 2

Jesus is a metaphor for the truth and light (darkness is ignorance/lying) and when people accept “real” truth they accept Jesus/the light/truth/conscious awakening,that is why Jesus is the a-ha moment.

The dawning of the age of Aquarius will be like that for mankind.

At the end of every age,people also escape from bondage/slavery.

In Moses time they escaped from Pharaoh and Egypt…and bondage to the Egyptians.

God told Pharaoh to “Let my people go.”

Exodus 8:1

In Jesus time they escaped from the false teachings of the lawmakers/pharisees/scribes leaders of that time also.

Jesus said,”you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”

John 8:32

There will be an escape to freedom in this age also,however….

“To escape from your prison,you first have to see you are in one”

Finally…… is a quote from the book “whee! we,wee all the way home”

aquarius age 001

And again,if you got through all that…thanks for reading!