In the Country of the Blind….

The one eyed man is king!

In this blog we will find out about Dhritarashtra (the blind king in the Bhagavad Gita) and what he symbolizes.

I also speak about my former blindness as a Jehovah’s witness and yet thinking my eyes were wide open at the time.

And what it means to have a simple or single eye.


King James Bible
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Matthew 6:22


Hello fellow peoples of the planet!

I thank you for visiting my wee blog.

Before this blog gets going however………

At the end of the previous blog I said that “Old Man Thames” was “Old man Tammuz” (Thomas) or “Old Father Time” who is in fact Saturn.

Adding further on to that,there is also a part of the Thames river that is called the River “Isis.”

And yet again there you have another coincidence,why?

Because Old Father Time (Saturn/Tammuz/Thames) and Isis/Venus/Mary (the eternal virgin) are connected and linked.


Old Father Time with his scythe,he is the grim reaper (hence his link as being the god of agriculture) and the virgin who is also linked to reaping and the harvest as the young virgins go out to bring in the harvest in the sign of Virgo in August/September.

Why is Isis or the virgin weeping?…more in a later blog.

It is not a coincidence that the Thames has a stretch of water called the Isis because they are linked.

Old Father Time is Saturn or Satan,linked with the elements earth and water…the feminine elements that correspond to the female and winter/night/darkness/material/dense/cold part of nature.

Earth and Water can also be represented by the land(earth) and the sea(water) and symbolized by the downward facing triangles.


This is what is being represented by the Thames and Isis rivers and father time and the weeping virgin……earth and water…or matter…and Saturn is the lord of matter….or as the bible says it….the ruler of this world.

In the book of Revelation chapter 10:2 we have another symbol of the two lower elements.

“He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land.”

Isis is also Mare and Mare/Mary is the sea as in Weston-super-Mare.

And Mary or Isis (the virgin) is connected to Saturn/Satan/Old Father Time through law.

Mari-time law…….Mari=Mary/sea/water and Time=Saturn.

In the sign of Libra the two meet also…Venus rules Libra and Saturn is exalted in Libra.

Libra is connected with law….the symbol of courts are the scales of justice and the scales of Libra,weights and measures and balance,then you have Venus on the roof holding the scales,Saturn the tester is represented by the judge…old father time,the devils advocate, saturnine procedures in court,while wearing the long white wig just as Saturn has his long white hair.

In the Garden of Eden,Satan and the virgin are together,Saturn and Virgo

And if you look back a couple of blogs I gave a list of correspondences in the terms and words connecting money and water.

It is Mari-Time law and the law of the sea.

Saturn rules Capricorn symbolized by the sea-goat……again the two elements earth and water.

Goat=earth/Saturn/Chronos and Fish=sea/water/Isis.


In horror films the two are linked also,think of Satanic/Saturnic films there is usually always a virgin getting sacrificed in them.

We are in the lower part of our zodiacal journey or the two lower elements earth and water.

We are in the underworld,the world of darkness and illusion

We are the earthy man,we are John the baptist like and we need to discover the Christ within us that will lift us up into the “heavenly” air and fire elements,and when we receive that baptism we raise ourselves from the water just as Jesus did at his baptism.

John baptized with water and he was a man of earth,he lived in the wilderness and ate locusts….see the two elements earth and water.

Jesus baptizes with spirit (air) and fire.

John the Baptist says this at Matthew 3:11

“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

Jesus moved from the “Son of Man” to become “Son of God.”

He was moving to higher awareness/consciousness/the fountain from inside was flowing.

In the psalms it talks about the same things.

Psalm 40:2

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”

We are literally in the mud and mire of our bodies. (notice the word Mary/Miriam/Myra in the word mire) the feminine part of the zodiac cycle,also represented by matrix/mud/mudder (mother)/Ma’at/mater/matter.

We are immersed in dense matter!

Yet the bible says we escape (as do all religious texts)…again in amazing allegory!

First though I would like to talk a wee bit about the awakening experience I had as a JW and how it led me to a bigger awakening.

Below is an example of a Jehovah’s Witness awakening.

And a short video.

Once a JW begins to realize that the organization they belong to isn’t…what…they…once…thought it was……the scales literally fall from their eyes…..a wholly frightening/and yet exhilarating experience for those that go through it.

I had that earthquake.

Through the trauma it brought,it was also accompanied by a realization (real-eyes-ation),and ultimately a wisdom gaining experience…a new birth of sorts.

The first question I was asked by an elder and friend when I started to air my doubts about the organization was…“Where else can we go?”

Jehovah’s witnesses firmly believe and insist that their organization is the only true one…there is nothing outside of it except darkness,wickedness and chaos,and ultimately destruction.

Lets see an example of the kind of things said through their various magazines and books.

“Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah’s universal organization.” (w06 5/15 p.22 par. 8 Are You Prepared for Survival?)

They are taught that if you are outside that “ark”…..there is no hope for you at all unless you are part of the Jehovah’s Witness organization.

Any Jehovah’s witness who happens to read this blog will have to agree that the Governing Body are God’s only true spokesperson on earth and there are no others.

Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?

However at the Australian Royal Commission (ARC) last year (which was investigating how institutions dealt with child abuse allegations),one of the Governing Body members (Geoffrey Jackson) said this.

He said it would be “presumptuous” to say they they are the only spokesperson God is using.

I believe Jehovah’s Witnesses have it wrong when they ask “where else can we go?”

Let’s have a look and see why.

They take that question from the scripture at John 6:68. (NIV)

“Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

They reason that if they aren’t the true religion,none of the others come near to them because they alone use the name Jehovah and preach door to door,do not use the cross or believe in the trinity….So they will ask you where else can we go,thinking there is no other place to go outside their organization.

However did you notice the scripture doesn’t say where else can we go…..but to whom shall we go!

To which the answer would be “Christ.”

And this is where we encounter one of the bibles great secrets.

Colossians 1:27

“For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.

The Christ is inside you… have an inauthentic self and an authentic self.

There is somewhere else to go,and it is a place where you will never be manipulated or duped by charlatans such as the Watchtower Society ever again.

There is no true religion outside of you,not one.

However you have to keep knocking,exerting yourself to find the narrow path by awakening your higher self within. (Christ).

The single eye,the chief cornerstone,enlightenment…..

You become both a King and a Priest in yourself.The law won’t come from outside you as written on stone tablets,the laws will be written on your heart.

Jeremiah 31:33

Just as the sun rises at Easter and brings the barren earth to life,the Christ is an inner sun,that needs rise within you,to move you from the two lower elements,earth and water to the two higher or male elements,namely air and fire,the bible talks about it saying being caught up in the air.And the world being destroyed by fire

And when you do find that Christ within you as stated in a previous blog and repeated here,it will cause this to occur inside of you.

John 4:14

14 “but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

When a Jehovah’s Witness “awakens” and the word “awaken” is allowing your “single eye” to open…to see the light!….to see things as they actually are and not as you once believed,and it is one hell of a paradigm shift.

As said before it is harrowing and yet ultimately healing,it is also like an ascension or resurrection because you can see things from a higher perspective than you did previously,and you come to life and higher awareness…a new birth.

The keys of the zodiac,astrology,kaballah,sex and nature will open all the doors to the scriptures,myths,fairy tales,nursery rhymes and festivals.The more you study,the more you will see the links between them all,everywhere.

Even in films we find themes relating to finding this true (higher) self/Christ in you,and abandoning the lower self.

Freud called the lower self the “Id” and the entity known as the Id (“Id” entity or rather “identity”) deals with our basic instinctual drives,including the libido.,_ego_and_super-ego#Id

Some call this “base consciousness” and it is represented by the black and white floor of a masonic lodge….it is “black and white thinking” where one cannot see the grey areas which everything has,it is having polarized,superstitious and wave-like emotional views.

The floor of a masonic lodge represents most of mankind who are polarized,and content to go along to get along by following the crowd.They are moved like pawns on the chess board of life.

However the “Blazing Star” of the masonic lodge (Sirius) gives hope of light shining in the darkness,and those who follow it will gain enlightenment and find the Christ within,just as the “wise men”,”magi” or astrologers found the Christ by following Sirius.

masonic trip to sirius

Let’s see an example of this higher journey from the film “The Truman Show.”

Even the name of the film gives us a clue……the “True Man” show.

In the film we find the character “Truman Burbank” living in a totally fake world,a world of illusion.He is the star of a reality show where people watch his every move 24/7 and he is not aware of it.He is surrounded by actors who all play the role of friends,family and work colleagues etc etc.

However the “True Man” is stirring inside of him as he starts to question things and strangely enough one of the things that starts him questioning is a light falling from the ceiling of the large dome studio he is in.

What does the light say on it?


The next thing that follows is that all his “friends” and “colleagues” try to prevent him from following his journey to enlightenment,and he even starts to question his own sanity.

When I was a JW all of my friends and family were telling me I was going insane for even questioning that the religion might not be the truth.

I even started questioning myself…….was I seeing things all wrong?

Why couldn’t anyone else see what I was seeing?

However by pursuing what I thought was right through to the end gave me such an awakening,such a paradigm shift even though it felt like a crucifixion at the time……I really have a freedom of mind I would never trade for anything,even though I know my reputation,name and character is pretty much shredded among my former friends.

It cannot ever enter their minds that the religion could be wrong….never ever….the fault always lies with the one who leaves.

At the end of the “Truman Show” we see how he has ascended,had his crucifixion and gained his freedom.

Meet the ascended (again symbolized by stairs),crucified “TRUE MAN.” Which is the subject of all religious texts,and religious figures,whether Buddha(Buddha means “awakened,enlightened one”),Krishna,Christ.

We see the theme in other films like “The Matrix” where Neo Anderson (“Neo” means “New”,”Ander” means “Man” and “Son”…put it together and you get “New Son of Man”,and again like Truman,Neo finds out the world he is in isn’t real…it is an illusion and he has many trials to get through to gain his freedom from it.

It is the story of Christ….it is the story of Us,and the struggle to find the Christ within us,and the journey that begins with it.

Joseph Campbell recognized it and wrote about it,calling it the hero’s journey or monomyth. which just happens to have 12 stages,just like the zodiac which is a symbol of the journey.

It is also seen in the “Wizard of Oz” and “Star Wars”…”Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Rings.”

We see it in the story of Moses,Joseph,Daniel and Jesus among many others in the bible,because it is again naturally in our collective psyche,and all cultures talk about it in their own ways.

Let’s have a look at another version of this ubiquitous story,this time in the Bhagavad Gita,and you may notice some similarities to stories and characters that are encountered in the Bible.

“Bhagavad Gita” means “Song of the Lord” and it a part of the Mahabharata,an epic Indian poem.

The Bhagavad Gita tells the story of the war between two groups called the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

The Kurukshetra war between the Pandavas and Kauravas…….(light and darkness…left and right hemispheres of the brain)

The Pandavas are the five sons of Pandu and Kunti,Pandu is the phallus/sun and Kunti is the vagina (cunt).

The male and female.

Pandu means yellow….yellow like the sun.

Kunti means “lover of the sun god” (or penis) for the penis is the sun on a lower plane,as the penis brings life to the earth as does the sun….both are connected with “the generation game.”

The five sons of Pandu are the 5 aspects of divine personality that reach out from fourfold matter….as illustrated below.

leonardoThe leader of the Pandavas and the main protagonist of the Bhagavad Gita is Arjuna,and Arjuna represents the divine personality,that which seeks union with God/higher mind.

In fact all the Pandavas are aspects of the dormant “higher”or “good” parts of our personality,or “right brain” thinking,the right brain being the feminine receptive mode of thought where inspiration is derived from,the part of the brain that looks  and yearns for the moments when light dawns on it. (the lover of the sun god)

However their father dies (no higher thought activity) and they are raised by their uncle…Dhritarashtra who is a good king….yet he is blind from birth.


He represents the highest aspect of the lower/carnal part of our nature…well intentioned,yet blind,just as those Jehovah’s witnesses cannot see the manipulation they are under,but yet they are well meaning people.

Jesus pictured it this way

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”

–Matthew 15:14

The highest level of base consciousness cannot exceed the lowest level of higher thought.See the scripture below.

Matthew 11:11

“Truly I tell you, among those born of women (earth/water) there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven(air/fire/higher elements) is greater than he.

“Abiding in the midst of ignorance, thinking themselves wise and learned, fools go aimlessly hither and thither, like blind led by the blind.”— Katha Upanishad

 This is the allegory of Jesus healing the blind,people coming to a higher consciousness and being able to see clearly,awakening the third eye symbolized by dots or snakes on religious peoples foreheads.
Or we see it symbolized by oil being poured on the forehead.

People who are seeking outside for the kingdom rather than inward,are chasing illusions….for which religion is true?

In Christianity alone there are more than 30,000 differing versions.

King James Bible

Luke 17:21
“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

The Blind King (Dhritarashtra) also has 100 sons and these represent all the troubling negative thoughts we experience daily…anger…deceit…disgust…envy…greed…and the list goes on.

And yet they are the favourites of the blind king,they are the offspring of carnal thoughts……they are his sons after all.

So basically you have a story about light versus darkness,the black and white floor of the masonic lodge pictured above.

The Pandavas are the light and the sons of the blind king represent darkness.

Then it tells us that the blind king gives land to the Pandavas,meaning that the blind king is showing the higher self all the riches and desires that can be attained by the lower carnal mind…..riches,cars,big house,fame etc.

Duryodhana is the leader of the “bad guys” and also the eldest of the Kauravas,his name means “unconquerable warrior.”

Duryodhana is the deceiver inside us who keeps us wanting more and yet what we get is never enough,he keeps the desire insatiable/unconquerable.

Next Duryodhana gets Yudhishtira (another of the five Pandavas….the steady,balanced spiritual mind) into a dice game and Yudhishtira loses the gamble and goes into exile for 13 years… other words he gambled his birthright to desire and lost and found himself in bondage,until after 13 years something stirs and he wants his birthright back,and again challenges the blind king.

Can you see many bible stories in the above also…..Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of stew,Jesus being taken up to a high mountain and shown all the kingdoms of the world and tempted by the deceiver.

It is all about birthrights and claiming what is yours if only you can grasp it,however you have a fight on your hands as all the legends,myths,religious stories,and films tell us.

The Pandavas and the Kauravas eventually meet for battle at Kurukshetra and at the end of 18 days only 12 major warriors are left including the five Pandavas.

The battle of Kurukshetra is also the battle of Armageddon where again the conquerors stand on the mountain (ascension) alongside the lamb of god.

Or defeating Voldemort,Sauron,Goliath,Pharaoh in the story of Moses…..etc etc.

It is the battle each one of has to take to overcome the beast inside of all of us and conquer in the name of truth and light.


What is fascinating about it all is that so many cultures are talking about the same thing in a myriad of ways.

Yet at the end of the day…it is the same story being told….the greatest story ever told…the story of us!

There is no religion higher than truth!


Thanks for reading!