Wheels Within Wheels

Ezekiel 1:16

King James Bible
The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

Hopefully these next few blogs will explain why the numbers three,four,seven and twelve are all throughout the bible….and what they may represent

And also show that there may be more to the bible than there seems to be on a surface reading!

When I was part of Jehovah’s Witnesses we took great pride in being apart from most of the other Christian religions in that we did not worship God as a trinity….we worshipped the one true God Jehovah!…however when I “mentally” left the witnesses and started thinking outside the box of beliefs that imprisoned my mind..I could see that the bible said Jesus was a God also…..so they really believe in two gods

I asked the elders who came to visit and “encourage” me when I was exiting the religion whether Jesus was a god……they said he was…..I then asked if he was a true god….again they said yes…..then I told them they had a problem…because the bible says there is only one true god.

However now I’m away from religion altogether I have a better understanding of what the trinity is…..and again it’s all about cosmic functions and the cycles of nature

The worship of the trinity is widespread and goes back into ancient times

In Babylon the trinity consisted of Nimrod,Semiramis and Tammuz


In Egypt we have Osiris/Isis/Horus


In Mexico and central mexico the triad of Tohil,Awilix and Jacawitz were worshipped




In Hinduism there is the trimurti…..Brahma the creator/Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer


In the northern regions we have Odin,Thor and Freya

from left to right we have the one eyed Odin,Thor (with his hammer in his right hand) and Freya who has an ear of corn in her right hand (see my previous blogs for more on the woman holding the corn/wheat)

In fact as said previously….the expression of the trinity is spread far and wide



Christianity expresses the trinity through the father……the son and the holy spirit


The triangle is also a symbol of the trinity

those who have read my blog on sex and religion will perhaps have noticed that this triangle (the blade /the upright male triangle) is in a circle……and what it really represents


And we also have the triquetra


and the triquetra in a circle…….same symbolism as the triangle in the circle


same symbolism as the fleur de lys…the three in a band or circle

fleur-de-lys_500kabbalah has its trinity…..the supernal triad of Kether which means crown,Chokmah which means wisdom…and Binah which is understanding


(in proverbs it talks about seeking wisdom and understanding)

these form the top three of the ten sephiroth in the tree of life and the highest of the four worlds of kabbalah called atziluth

again….notice it forms an upright triangle…also notice the male (chokmah) and female (binah) emanate from the one…kether…….the crown


the four worlds of kabbalah are as follows



yetzirah (you get the sepher yetzirah from this emanation)


and finally….assiah


lon milo duquette gives a wonderful talk on what those worlds mean and a basic understanding of kabbalah…I would urge you to have a watch if you want to further your understanding of this fascinating topic

you may have noticed there is another “trinity” on the tree of life

these are the three pillars

the pillar of mercy(male)

the pillar of severity(female)

and the middle pillar of consciousness….the narrow path of the bible


freemasonry has three pillars also…..why?….because they are all talking about the same thing….they all understand this hidden knowledge



again…notice in the above freemasonic tracing board the sun…male…golden

the moon….female…….silver

and the all seeing eye in the middle

this represents in our brain,the left and right hemispheres

and the “all seeing eye” symbolizes the balanced middle view,the “keep your eye single” it speaks about in the scriptures

“The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole body shall be lightsome. The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”

Matthew 6:22

in our bodies the right side is the male side…dexter

the left side is the female side….sinister

the occult is known to be “sinister” (left handed)…not a lot of people want to look at it…….whereas religion is the right hand path….

exoteric religion is the right hand path…dexter

esoteric (hidden) teachings are the left hand path…sinister

to get an informed viewpoint of anything,you need to get both sides of the argument…..weigh them up to come to a decision

it is important to see both sides to be balanced

you can only understand the deep things of the bible by first reading the text and then digging to find out what is really being said underneath

this is also what the bible means by this scripture in Proverbs 2 verses 3-5

“For if you cry for discernment, Lift your voice for understanding; 4If you seek her as silver And search for her as for hidden treasures; 5Then you will discern the fear of the LORD And discover the knowledge of God.…”

notice it says “her”…..these are the “feminine” teachings….the dark teachings…the occult/hidden teachings

and if you’ve read all my previous blogs you will see the “feminine” equates with winter/night/darkness/earth/water

(you find pearls in water….in the deep….do you not…and the scriptures talk about finding the “pearl of great price”)

Matthew 13:45,46

The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price

45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

also…to find gems…”hidden treasures” as proverbs states above..you usually have to dig into the dirt/earth…the darkness…this means looking at the occult,hidden teachings

remember “occult” merely means “hidden” and the scripture says to look for “hidden”…”occult” treasures

when you start to grasp the real teachings they fill you with light/enlightenment….a renaissance in your thinking….a rebirth…..a “born again” experience

you come to life….you are resurrected from among the dead

however as I stated……people are usually frightened off from going near occult teachings due to cultural conditioning…and remain in the “dark”….otherwise known as ignorance

the left hand path of occult knowledge is “black” magic….connected to the female/night/winter/water

and the right hand path is known as “white” magic..connected to the male force/day/summer/fire

in our body…our spinal column is the middle pillar

in our brains we also have two hemispheres

again left hemisphere and right hemisphere

and the middle pillar is the corpus callosum which connects the two hemispheres


also the medulla oblongata is part of the middle pillar


when the two hemispheres/poles of the brain (male and female)work together to bring to birth thought and send it down the middle pillar to bring about action

interestingly look again at the egyptian picture of the trinity again….is it explaining that process to us?

the two poles….like an anode and the cathode or the positive and negative on a battery


in the “Creation of Adam” on the sistine chapel ceiling painted by Michelangelo

could God really be a representation of our brain…some scholars think it may be



the “heavens” or “God” represents our thoughts (the non-material) which in turn bring about actions (Adam) in the material world

every thing made around about us came from the world of thought (the heavens) before it manifests on this earth…again watch the lon milo duquette video above for a detailed description

the trinity is also the cycle of everything on this earth

for example…US

We are born…..created…we pop into existence….brahma (the creator) is the representation of this part of the three part cycle

Then we exist on this earth….vishnu is the preserver….we live our life…existence

Then shiva/saturn/the grim reaper/satan/the destroyer comes along and wipes us out of this existence

Yet those three phases make the one life…..three in one…a trinity

The jewish religion has the three patriarchs

Abraham…Isaac and jacob

When rendering worship to their god they would say things three times holy,holy,holy is the lord

Isaiah 6:3

New International Version
And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”

In the zodiac this trinity is expressed in a few ways

cardinal signs….fixed signs….mutable signs

Cardinal signs…again akin to Brahma or creator….as stated previously cardinal signs are the zodiac signs which bring each of the four seasons into being

the four cardinal signs are


Aries (fire sign) starts at the spring equinox……starts three months of spring

Cancer(water sign) is at the summer solstice…..starts three months of summer….(hence tropic of cancer)

Libra(air sign) is at the autumnal equinox…..starts three months of autumn

Capricorn(earth sign) is at the winter solstice…it starts the three months of winter

Then we have the fixed signs when each season is firmly established…bang in the middle of spring/summer/autumn/winter…those are the four fixed signs that Ezekiel saw in his vision

Aquarius…the man

Taurus….the bull

Leo………..the lion

Scorpio….the eagle

these signs correspond to vishnu..the preserver…the establisher

and the mutable signs where the old season is destroyed to make way for the new season…..this corresponds to shiva the destroyer

the four mutable signs are…pisces,gemini,virgo and sagittarius

pisces..the two fish….the end of the winter phase of the year…..remember mutable means “subject to change”

gemini…the twins “castor and pollux” the end of the spring phase

virgo….the destroyer/shiva/satan of the summer part of the year and the bringer of the harvest of the earths growth….hence again another reason why there is a link between virgo and saturn/old father time

old father time is pictured combing the hair of the weeping virgin



why is she weeping?

because the growth of the earths produce has come to an end……again another reason why there is a broken pillar in the picture above

and sagittarius……..the half man half horse (centaur) with either a bow or spear…the “horse and its rider” as sung about in the scriptures

and those cardinal,fixed and mutable signs are all “trinities” or three parts of each season

And even more……..each of the zodiac signs have three decans…again a trinity….one of the decans “announces” the sign

I spoke about three of them in my blog “something wonderful is about to happen”

the three decans of capricorn……the “something wonderful that was about to happen” was the birth of the new sun to start the next year off

the three decans of capricorn are sagitta (the arrow),aquila (the eagle) and delphinus (the dolphin/womb)

the three decans of capricorn in the night sky…sagitta..the arrow,aquila the eagle and delphinus….”the dolphin” or “womb”

again sagitta starts the sign of capricorn off….brahma…the starter/creator/cardinal

aquila is the middle of the sign of capricorn….firmly established/fixed….or in the hindu symbolism….vishnu

and delphinus (meaning womb or dolphin) corresponds to shiva the destroyer/mutable/satan/grim reaper/saturn/harvester

the decans of the other signs are

The 3 decans of Aquarius…..Piscis Australis (southern fish)/Pegasus (winged horse)/Cygnus(the swan)

3 decans of Pisces….The Band(the band)/Andromeda(woman in chains)/Cephus(the crowned king)

Aries…..Cassiopeia(the enthroned woman)/Cetus(the sea monster)/Perseus(the breaker)

Taurus….Orion(the glorious one)/Eridanus(the river)/Auriga(the shepherd)

Gemini…..Lepus(the hare)/Canis Major(the dog)/Canis Minor(the little dog)…….can you start to see some of the bible stories in those constellations?

for instance……Canis Minor……the little dog

Matthew 15:26

Jubilee Bible 2000
But he answered and said, It is not good to take the children’s bread and to cast it to the little dogs.

if you want some further reading on the decans throughout the gospels I would recommend

“The gospel and the zodiac” by the Rev.Bill Darlison

Cancer…..Ursa Minor(the little bear),Ursa Major(the great bear),Argo(the ship)

Leo…..Hydra(the serpent),Crater(the cup),Corvus(the raven)

Virgo….Coma(the desired),Centaurus(the centaur),Bootes(the coming one)

Libra….Crux(the cross),Lupus(the victim),Corona(the crown)…again….notice any of these constellations in the story of jesus and his crucifixion?

Scorpio……Serpens(the serpent),Ophiuchus(the serpent holder),Hercules(the mighty one)

And finally Sagittarius….Lyra(the harp),Ara(the burning pyre),Draco(the dragon)

In my blog “sex and religion” I endeavour to show that sex and religion are both connected to each other

And in the book “Sex and sex worship,phallic worship” written by O A Wall….the writer tells of the trinity of the phallus

the two testicles and penis acting as the one impregnating unit though composed of three separate and differently functioning parts

and again…Aleister Crowley pictured it in the devil card of the thoth tarot deck

The two testicles and the tip of the penis again make an upright triangle…the male triangle

notice the female or feminine in the left testicle……dancing their way up the phallus…while on the right…the masculine or male…they are fighting and clawing their way to the top…lon milo duquette also says there are what might be representations of chromosomes in each testicle


in James Ballantyne Hannays book “Sex symbolism in religion” he goes as far as to say the “three in one” of the trinity are the three parts of the male in the one part of the female during sexual intercourse

another interesting bible verse to consider is Proverbs 25:11

“Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket.”

golden apples?….in a “silver basket?”

now if you’ve been following this blog from the beginning you will know that gold is the metal of the sun…..and the sun is male…he is the bridegroom who returns at the spring equinox to meet his bride,and the metal of the moon or the female just happens to be silver….and when the two come together you get the hieros gamos…..the holy marriage


Well…could the “apples of gold in a silver basket…or silver carvings” might be the sex act symbolized in the scriptures?

timely advice is lovely…just as the sex act is lovely

Most people do not know that a lot of our customs and practices are to do with the sex act whether it be throwing confetti and rice at a wedding…(the ejaculation of the penis)

popping a cork on a champagne bottle…..again…..the orgasm

dancing around a maypole…the maypole is the penis and there is usually a circle around it representing the vagina…again the sex act….just as Crowleys card above does

notice the sex act the male “pole” inside the female “circle” and the “ejaculation” represented at the top this maypole in Germany…the sperm being the…ahem…maypole syrup


why mayday and the maypole?

well in the northern hemisphere may is the spring and spring is when the suns rays/sperm are really making things grow on the earth…..and the fertile earth is giving forth her growth….it is a time of happiness and plenty


may the first is also 40 days from the spring equinox…and again those 40 days are a time of rest/inaction/lent/jesus in the wilderness for forty days before he started his ministry/moses in the desert for forty years before they got to the promised land……before things start moving again….like a nap……maybe that is why we take “forty winks”…a nap before we get moving again

it is all allegory of above…and here below

the microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm

or as the great Hermes Trismegistus said(and in line with this blog on the trinity…trismegistus means “thrice greatest”)

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” 

Hermes Trismegistus

Thanks for reading